Saturday, October 1, 2011

Friends Til The End!!!

I am so happy that social networking sites have allowed me to reconnect with so many of my friends from DOA/DPUSA and that we have all been given the opportunity to get together and "make it happen" once again, that I just have to give a MEGA shout out to all of my peeps that I am in touch with now....Sandy F, Stephanie M, Susie P, Sandy P,Cheryl C, Sara W, Star B, Pinhead, Alexis L, Alize' J, Alvin R, Aly C, Tamila B, Amy B, Amy G, Andre C, Andy A, Andy G, Angel P, Annette P, Andino W, Arianne A, Athena M, Aubrey A, Bobby B, Bobby C, Caren C, Carolvita, Cathy C, Chris B, Chris K, Chris S, Tara K, Christine C, Christina N, Christine S, Chris T, Christy S, Stephanie M, Clyde E, Dana P, Tawanna C, Danette S, Danielle B, David B, Tarrah C, Dawn M, Debi M, Diego R, Donna S, Donna W, Donnie H, Ed O, Eddie B, Eddie C, Eddie T, Emily V, Fox F, Frank S, George D, Heather C, Heather D, Heather H, Heather H, Terry D, Theresa S, Theresa S, James F, Tyrone M, Nick D, Nicole C, Neicy L, Tuesday D, Holly R, Mr. & Mrs. Ferrara, Israel B,James K, Oceana L, Robert P, Rome K, Jenn G, Jennifer A, Jennifer K, Jill D, Joanna M, Joe C, Joe W, John Z, Myra M, Natalie B, Pete S, Walt J, Rennie H, Judi M, Justin B, Tina S, Karen B, Keri F, Kira W, Tina D, Laura M, Lauren L-G, Lisa B, Timothy T, Mike R, Misty W, Tracie M, Lisa K, Liz F, Liz J, Lori R, Tina D, Lucy B, Lynne R, Margie B, Marissa D, Marizol M, Luis M, Alex R, Mark B, Marlon D, Jason P, Mary A, Matt R, Megan O, Melissa C, Melissa S, Melissa W, Thomas M, Tia B, Tim L, Timika H, Miguel S, Patti M, Sal D.....and last but definitely not least Mike Nise (Creator/Executive Producer/Friend)!!! If I forgot anyone it was definitely a mistake! Luv u all!!! I know we have BIG things ahead!!! Go to and and look up Dancin on air, to check out clips of the & articles!!!! TTYS!!!

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