Monday, October 3, 2011

Still Dancin!

I am so happy and I feel so blessed to still be able to "kick it"! I laugh at myself so hard sometimes and it still amazes me when I drop it low and still come back up with no problem! Not trying to jinx myself but I just felt like sharing because it inspires me so much to see so many of my tv peeps still doin their "thang" lol! I am thrilled to now have yet another chance and another platform to express myself through dancing and whatever else! I don't know about the rest of you but I'm looking to get together with some of my fellow alumni and do something big...maybe a new reality show, maybe a variety show or even a tour....who knows...just putting it out there....and hoping!!!! I know that aging isn't what it used to  be and that people continue to look good, feel good and do the things they love way longer than they used to but I still can't help feeling that we need to do something soon because I just may wake up one day and not be able to do my "Deyonce" dances anymore...LOL! That's why I pray and keep dancing as much as I can!!! I did slack off for a while and put on some pounds, but I'm back in the saddle now! I used to like to get me a few coronas (I like them ice cold) and rock out and dance in my room and block anyone who can't relate right out....I mean I'm blasting David Bowie, Prince, Madonna, Paula Abdul, Aerosmith and whoever else and really dancin' ....full out! LOL! ...but now I have to do it minus the coronas for a while! ...but as soon as I get this ole body back in shape ...we'll get back together (...talkin to the!) I just want us to get back out there and do some things because we were before our time...we were some of the first reality stars...and our 15minutes isn't over yet....not if I can help it...LOL!!!!


  1. GIRLLLLL...I hear everything your saying. I wouldn't change anything about those days, they were some of the best days in my life also. I'm blessed to have my DOA/DPUSA brothers and sisters and TV-Dad (Mike Nise) back in my life. We have traveled on a spectacular journey together "back in the day" and anyone that wasn't fortunate enough to experience it, really missed out on a huge part of history. I look forward to spending more time with everyone! I love each and every one you! See you soon..Niecey
